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Double Jacket Gasket


Double Jacketed Corrugated
This gasket is an improvement on a plain jacketed gasket in that
 the corrugations on the gasket will provide an
 additional labyrinth seal. It also provide the advantage of reducing the contact area of the gasket,
 enhancing its compressive characteristics. A double-jacketed corrugated gasket still relies on 
the primary seal on the inner lap.
Double Jacketed
The double-jacketed gasket has good compressibility and resilience
and is the most popular metal-clad gasket manufactured.
Double Jacketed Overlap
Construction of this gasket offers more filter protection than
the standardsingle jacketed design. Although constructed like
 a single jacketed gasket, is has the added benefit of totally
 encasing the filler material.
Double Corrugated Solid Metal
A plain, all-metal corrugated gasket for use in low pressure
 applications that require a thin line contact because space or 
weight limitations. Corrugated gaskets are a versatile sealing ele
double jacket
Main Use:
Suitable for flange sealing of piping and different kinds of equipment
 suitable for sealing of different kinds of mechanical pump, pipe valve,
 heat exchanger for various media.
Raw Material:
Stainless 304, 316, Copper, Aluminum, Carbon Steel
Filling Material:
Rubber, Asbestos, Flexible Graphite, PTTE, Non-Asbestos
Working Temperature 200 – 800 oC
Working Pressure: up to 25 MPa


  1. Thank you for a very interesting article. I greatly appreciate the time you take to do all the research to put together your posts. I especially enjoyed this one!!
    Double Jacketed Metal Gaskets
